Allies of the Year? MMA Junkie Skips Male Headliners, Uses Female Undercard Fighter as Weigh-In Photos Article Header

Heartwarming to finally see some eyes directed toward the women in MMA

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There were many winners on this week’s Madison Square Garden UFC 295 event, but perhaps none bigger than the entire women’s MMA community which saw a brave new ally step up in their fight to be treated with the legitimacy and respect they deserve as popular MMA news site MMA Junkie bypassed the two male title fights to highlight a female fighter on the event’s undercard for its post of weigh-in photos. Despite the male-focus by the UFC at the top of the event, the feminist icons at MMA Junkie reached all the way down to the ESPN+ prelims to cast a spotlight on Strawweight Tabatha Ricci, showing that not everyone is so eager to overlook the women’s divisions.

The bold stand of support comes at a contentious time for women in the UFC, with one of the organization’s male champions having spent the days leading up to the event leveling sexist attacks which claimed they are untalented and only valued by the MMA community when they’re conventionally attractive and scantly clad. Well, Mr. Strickland, looks like that’s just too bad for you, because with this one move MMA Junkie has shown they can give their all to calling attention to the talented women in the UFC when the situation is right, including with post-fight coverage that includes both the 22nd and 24th stories on the homepage at the time of publication being about the main card fight between Jessica Andrade and Mackenzie Dern as well as the 31st story taking a look at “Photos: UFC, Bellator and more MMA ring card girls through the years”.

A word like heroes fails to suffice.

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