Opinion: If Women Want Better Pay They Should Do What Works – Wreck Their Bodies, Become Unlovable and Live Miserably

The recipe is public and it’s your fault if you don’t follow it.

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The issue of fair pay in BJJ is again in the news as a particularly long toilet-bound scrolling session brought Gordon Ryan’s attention to Ffion Davies’ comments on fair pay five months ago, and the time has come to settle it once and for all. The idea that there is any form of discrimination in this world in 2024 is obviously laughable on its face, which means the only explanation for pay inequity can’t be misogyny or systemic impediments but instead a failure to follow the clearly laid out approach to turn being very good at BJJ into also being very wealthy: the time has come for elite women to juice their selves into the hospital, be terrible to everyone and spend their every waking hour blessed with other worldly skills and wealth being performatively angry on the internet.

For all the talk of “valuing yourself” and “knowing your worth” have any of the elite women even tried verbally attacking anyone and everyone else in the world for their perceived weaknesses and driving away everyone close to them with their unstoppably atrocious behavior? Are you really committed to making it or just to saying you are? Where is your $20,000 steroid stack? Where are the family members who can’t even stomach being associated with you anymore? Where’s your big truck that lets everyone know you’re tough and scary? How can we trust you to have functionally-limitless wealth when we don’t even know that what you’d do with it is spend your every waking second being angry on the internet? This isn’t a game, it’s a profession, and until women prove they have what it takes to be the face of this sport and the associated responsibility of approaching every situation with the aim of being as unlikable and cruel as possible then we’re never going to see the change we want.

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